Friday, August 8, 2008


A long time ago, I came to Norway with my mother and sister. We had a layover in the Trondheim train station and we wound up eating some yogurt. Actually, I wound up wearing it. So, it always seems like I should buy some when I'm in the Trondheim train station.

The train left a little late because we had to wait for another late train from Oslo. I was backwards again, but this time the seat was a 'hvilestol' or resting chair. It reclined, had a foot rest, and came with an overnight pack. The goodies included earplugs, a smallish fleece-type blanket, a sleep mask, and an inflatable travel pillow! I am totally impressed with that travel pillow. It did take a fair amount of maneuvering to get all of my luggage to fit in the space available, but I did it.

Fortunately, the Swedish girls sitting across from and behind me didn't feel the need to sing all night long, and most of us were asleep just outside of Trondheim. I woke up once or twice to adjust my pillows, but for the most part I slept pretty well. And I woke up to the gorgeous sunshine of Nordland in the summer. There is no light like this light; it lifts even the lowest spirits.

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