Monday, February 2, 2009

Time to think

This morning (I started writing this a week and half ago) I woke up early to go to work. The advantage of getting up at 6am to wash the floors at the dentist office is that I have time to relax and really wake up before classes start. Today I had time to drink coffee, eat breakfast, and watch the sunrise.

The sunrises here start with the stark contrast of white on blue illuminated by the moon in the pre-dawn. As the sun creeps above the mountains behind me the blues slowly change to shades of pink and lavender, but the snow is always white. Once the sun has finally emerged from it's evening resting place, the blues return; now, the snow is almost blinding in its whiteness.

I appreciate the luxury of time to watch the sunrise in the mornings. I'm able to wake up and gather my thoughts before the day begins. On days when we have singing in classes I'm able to warm up my voice too. If only I could remember this in the evenings so I didn't stay up so late!

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