Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The day after Christmas, we were sitting around at the Schrøders', socializing between breakfast and dinner. There was bowl of unshelled nuts on the table and an implement that was clearly intended to be used to crack the nuts.

Jan's mother was enjoying herself cracking nuts, but eventually got tired. Being the squirrel that I am, I almost immediately began when she stopped. I hadn't cracked very many when I came to one that seemed uncrackable. But, I'm stubborn, so I kept trying for a while. Eventually I moved on to a new nut and that's when it happened.

First I should mention that this implement was actually a shellfish-cracker (having never cracked any shellfish, I wouldn't know). Apparently last year, they had managed to break two nut-crackers on the same nut and were reduced to using the shellfish-cracker.

In spite of being told many times to be careful, when I placed the new nut in it, I mis-calculated and squished the pad of my little finger. It only hurt for the first few minutes, but it left two small black blood blisters. Both of which are still visible, although one has been fading for some time now and the other has finally started fading today.

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