Friday, August 8, 2008

Bodø I

After a quick diversion to the wrong boat terminal, I left my luggage at the train station and headed into town. I found the tourist office, conveniently located at the correct boat terminal (which is right where it has always been). I bought my tickets to Ørnes and decided to hit the library and get some food.

I went for food first. Then I got to the library and fulfilled my internet needs for the time being. Then I got coffee, checked out cell phone plans and made two important phone calls.

The first to Tom and Elaine to let them know I was still alive and had made it this far. They were also still alive and had made it back to Hudiksvall; in fact, they were on the obligatory library run! It was nice to hear cheerful voices.

The second phone call was brief, but very important! I had tried to call Ørnes several times in the past few days with no answer. I got through and let them know I was still coming today. They'll meet me at the pier. Phew!

I collected my luggage and headed for the boat. In the waiting area I called Dad. It was early in Seattle, but I think he was happy to hear from me. Now, it's boarding time.

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