Saturday, August 16, 2008

Trysil II

August 15, 2008

When I arrived in Trysil Else's mother (Liv Marit) was waiting for me. Back at the house, Else asked if I wanted to come with her to Anne's house to watch a movie. Sure, why not? Off we went! We had a regular old girls' night. We watched Jane Austen's Emma, ate apple cake, and talked about boys and parents.

When we headed to Anne's house we walked up a steep path called kjærlighetsvei. At that time it was still light out. On the way back we used Else's muscle memory and my white shoes to guide us through the woods. Sadly, we didn't meet anyone going up or down the path.

When we got home we, and everyone else, were hungry. Else's brothers had prepared some bread and cheese that just needed to go in the oven; think crostini with a Norwegian twist. Everyone sat down at the kitchen table (seven of us total) and as soon as the cookie sheets were within reach, they were overcome by hungry hands. I had been warned to take what I wanted and eat if I was hungry. Any one who has eaten with a large family is familiar with the eat or go hungry atmosphere that can surround a table. I think everyone wound up with the same amount of food, but all I can say for sure is that I got enough to eat!

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