Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hamar II

August 14, 2008

We caught up while we waited for dinner to come out of the oven. Jan, is the current world champion in fly swatting, a sport we think should be in the Olympic Games in four years.

The last time I saw Jan and Alvhild, I was a vegetarian. Not knowing that I had gone back to my omnivorous habits, Alvhild had prepared a completely delicious Macaroni dish with vegetables, garlic, mushrooms, and, of course, cheese. We had home made black current juice to drink. Erling came home with exciting calculations of how many cans of beer he'd lifted today; his summer job has been loading bottled beverages at the local brewery, which is home to Norway's most popular beer, Ringnes.

We decided over dinner that next time I come to Norway, I need to have a helicopter and a helicopter pilot. This would solve so many problems. It would take less time to get where I needed to go. I wouldn't need to buy the tickets, and therefore wouldn't forget the dates I was arriving places. I could also go back and forth between areas of Norway much more easily. Perhaps I'll win the lottery, although I suppose it's difficult to win if you don't buy tickets!

We looked at photos. Photos from this trip, photos from the last time they were in Seattle, and a few videos they'd taken at the 2006 Stemne. There were lots of videos of the Ballard Locks' fish ladder. Finally we all gave in and went to sleep. I'll have to visit Hamar again, since they were all gone to work in the morning when I got up. Perhaps during the winter break I'll find time to return.

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