Sunday, August 3, 2008

Östersund II

The fish balls were great. They were even great the next day. My eating habits on Friday were, however, terrible. I didn't really eat breakfast. There wasn't really time after my turn in the bathroom since the dancing had already started. I also didn't eat lunch. Martha had shared a sandwich with me at the coffee break, and by the time dinner rolled around again, I devoured the remaining fish balls without blinking.

We watched a wide variety of dancing on Friday. From friends to strangers to everything in between, all of the dancers tried their hardest. Some of them were really amazing, some barely met the criteria, and some will be holding their thumbs (the Swedish equivalent of crossing fingers) until Sunday when the awards are given. I enjoyed taking pictures of the dancing - it's not easy! Martha danced on Friday afternoon and things seemed to have gone well.

Tom, Elaine, and I headed off to the grocery store after the dancing. My plan was to get money out of the ATM. In retrospect, I think I used the wrong machine, but regardless, I wasn't able to get any money. This combined with not eating all day and dancing for the judges on Saturday, did not put me in the mood for dancing on Friday night. So, I didn't go.

Not going to the dance was clearly the right choice. It took me nearly an hour just to iron my bunad. Oy! By the time everyone was back from the dance, I was feeling a little more settled. Tom and I shared a few beers and unwound; it was exactly what I needed to prepare myself for the big day.

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