Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Gårdstur og kaffekveld

August 11, 2008

Anne took a break from sawing logs to show me around the buildings. I clearly have trouble counting to four; there are four buildings on the property, not three. Besides the house, there is the woodshed, the stabbur (formerly used for storing things like salted meat, now half renovated as an extra guest house for three), and the barn/dairy which hasn't seen much renovation, yet. They started working on the buildings ten years ago and now they've had the house fully upgraded for a year. Steinviknesset is everything you could want in an ancestral vacation home and more.

Once Anne finished for the evening, we set to work looking at her photos. Aided by a glass of wine and a cup of coffee each, we worked our way through their vacation and into mine. Before we knew it, it was dark here. As Johan put it, autumn is coming; as Anne put it, there will be another summer, but lots of skiing in the meantime. Tomorrow, I'll take the bus back to Bodø and then the train all the way to Hedmark where I'll be in Trysil and Hamar for the remaining days before school starts.

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