Tuesday, August 12, 2008


August 8, 2008

We followed our post dinner nap by watching the recap of the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Beijing on NRK. Then we put on all of the clothes we could find and headed to the night concert. The concert was scheduled to begin at 11:59 and it was already chilly outside. My jeans and cotton socks with a T-shirt and fleece were not going to cut it. I was given wool long underwear (top and bottom) and wool socks, plus and extra fleece; I also brought my purple scarf and fleece blanket from the train. It was close, but I stayed just above freezing the entire time.

We arrived at Skansen almost an hour before the concert started. We parked a brisk ten minute walk away, which got the blood moving. We settled in with friends and eventually were completely surrounded, like a flock of seagulls on a big rock. We were on a big rock after all. The concert started reasonably promptly featuring Norway's most famous trumpter and his band. By the end of the show, we were all rocking out.

We waited until the Hurtigrute pulled in to climb down from the historic site. Then we headed home. We had tea and fresh bread at 2:30 in the morning and went to bed. We had a big day waiting for us!

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